Debug Commands

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Updated as of commit 38014f8(2016-08-19)

The following commands are available as part of the Classic server project.
They can be used by typing their usage examples into the chat box within the game.

Standard commands


help Prints out a list of available commands
Usage !help
!help <command>
<command> Brings up the help description for the given command


mypos Prints out your absolute location in the current region
Usage !mypos


music Plays music <id> to player
Usage !music <id>
<id> Plays the music defined at <id>. Refer to Music for a list of IDs


warp Warp to a location from a list, or enter a <zone> with coordinates <x> <y> <z>
Usage !warp <spawn list>
!warp <zone> <x> <y> <z>
!warp <zone> <x> <y> <z> <privateArea> <targetname>
<spawn list> The ID from the list of locations as defined in server_zones_spawnlocations in the database
<zone> Value of the zone to head to. Refer to Regions for the list of zone IDs
<X> X Position
<Y> Y Position
<Z> Z Position
<privateArea> Warp into a defined private area of a given zone ID
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


nudge Positions your character forward a set <distance>, defaults to 5 units
Usage !nudge
!nudge <distance>
!nudge <distance> <up/down>
<distance> The amount of units to move forward
<up/down> Nudge vertically instead. Up, U, or +, for moving up. Down, D, or -, for moving down


speed Set movement speed for player. Enter no value to reset to default
Usage !speed
!speed <run>
!speed <stop> <walk> <run>
<stop> Stationary speed (does nothing for players)
<walk> Walking speed
<run> Running speed

Server Administration commands


giveitem Adds <item> <qty> to <location> for player or <targetname>
Usage !giveitem <item> <qty>
!giveitem <item> <qty> <location>
!giveitem <item> <qty> <location> <targetname>
<item> Item ID to give, as defined in xtx_itemName
<qty> Quantity of item to add
<location> Inventory location to go into (eg, Bag, Key Item, Loot, Currency) as defined in global.lua from the scripts folder.
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


givegil Adds gil <qty> to player or <targetname>
Usage !givegil <qty>
!givegil <qty> <targetname>
<qty> Quantity of gil to add
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


givecurrency Adds <item> to currency by amount <qty> to player or <targetname>
Usage !givecurrency <item> <qty>
!givecurrency <item> <qty> <targetname>
<item> Item ID to give, as defined in xtx_itemName
<qty> Quantity of item to add
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


givekeyitem Adds <keyitem> to player or <targetname>
Usage !giveitem <keyitem>
!giveitem <keyitem> <target name>
<keyitem> Item ID to give, as defined in xtx_itemName
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


delitem Removes <item> <qty> from <location> for player or <targetname>
Usage !delitem <item> <qty>
!delitem <item> <qty> <location>
!delitem <item> <qty> <location> <targetname>
<item> Item ID to remove, as defined in xtx_itemName
<qty> Quantity of item to remove
<location> Inventory location to remove from (eg, Bag, Key Item, Loot, Currency) as defined in global.lua from the scripts folder.
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


delcurrency Removes currency <qty> from player or <targetname>
Usage !delcurrency <item> <qty>
!delcurrency <item> <qty> <targetname>
<item> Item ID to give, as defined in xtx_itemName
<qty> Quantity of item to add
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


delkeyitem Removes <keyitem> from player or <targetname>
Usage !delkeyitem <keyitem>
!delkeyitem <keyitem> <target name>
<keyitem> Item ID to remove, as defined in xtx_itemName
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


reloadzone Reloads the <zone> from the database <CURRENTLY NOT WORKING>
Usage !reloadzone <zone>
<zone> Value of the zone to head to. Refer to Regions for the list of zone IDs


weather Change the weather client-side to <id> and optional <transition> for player
Usage !weather <id>
!weather <id> <transition>
!weather <id> <transition> <zonewide>
<id> Changes to the weather defined at <id>. Refer to Weather for a list of IDs
<transition> Fades from the current weather effect to the next one, in seconds
<zonewide> Sets the weather change to every player within the same zone

Debug commands


endevent Passes endEvent() to player or <targetname> to close a script
Usage !endevent
!endevent <targetname>
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


sendpacket Sends a custom <packet> to player or <targetname>
Usage !sendpacket <packet>
!sendpacket <packet> <targetname>
<packet> Filename of the packet to look for from within a folder named packets in the Map Server directory
<targetname> Name of player to select remotely. Two words, firstname & lastname, separated by a space


graphic Changes appearance for equipment with given parameters
Usage !graphic <slot> <wID> <eID> <vID> <cID>
<slot> Slot type
<wID> Weapon type
<eID> Equipment type
<vID> Variant type
<cID> Color type
Parameter Breakdown
slot weaponID equipID variantID colorID
0 - ??? ??? Height? ??? ???
1 – Colors EyeColor HairColor SkinColor ??
2 – Head? ??? FaceType/Eyes FacialFeatures ???
3 – Hair ??? HairStyle Highlight ???
4 - ???
5 - MainHand Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
6 - OffHand Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
7 - Special Mainhand Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
8 - Special Offhand Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
9 - Throwing Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
10 - Pack Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
11 - Pouch Model SubType Variant Color Where Applicable
12 - Head ??? Model Variant Color Where Applicable
13 - Body ??? Model Variant Color Where Applicable
14 - Legs ??? Model Variant Color Where Applicable
15 - Hands ??? Model Variant Color Where Applicable
16 - Feet ??? Model Variant Color Where Applicable
17 - Belt ??? Model Variant
18 - Neck ??? Model ??? ???
19 - Right Ear ??? Model ??? ???
20 - Left Ear ??? Model ??? ???
21 - Right Wrist ??? Model ??? ???
22 - Left Wrist ??? Model ??? ???
23 - Right Ring #1 ??? Model ??? ???
24 - Left Ring #1 ??? Model ??? ???
25 - Right Ring #2 ??? Model ??? ???
26 - Left Ring #2 ??? Model ??? ???
27 - ???
  • Warning: Improper weapon combinations/objects placed in slots 5 and/or 6 can crash the game. Ex. Dual-wielding swords.